An RSS feed (or news feed) is a means by which you can stay informed about what's going on at Wells Cathedral Oratorio Society without having to regularly visit the website.
To make use of an RSS feed, you need some "feed reader" (or "aggregator") software. Most modern web browsers have feed readers built in.
The RSS feeds for Wells Cathedral Oratorio Society are listed below...
The functions of the the WCOS chair are to:
1. To Safeguard and honour the objectives and policies of the WCOS Constitution.
2. To listen, support and advise all WCOS members who wish help or assistance.
3. To work with all the constituted WCOS Committee it’s Officers, the Conductor and any of their Assistants and musicians recommended to WCOS to enable the highest musical standards achievable.
4. To work with the Clergy, Staff, and Volunteers of Wells Cathedral to ensure the best interests for both Wells Cathedral and WCOS.
5. To hold regular Committee meetings, the Annual A.G.M., Concerts, Come and Sing and to organise auditions as agreed by a majority in the Committee.
1. Provide financial input and relevant information to the Committee to enable budgets and forecasts to be prepared.
4. Prepare Treasurer's report for committee meetings {usually four times a year) using information and accounts prepared by the Assistant Treasurer.
5. Attend and support the Friends Ticket Secretary at the Friends ticket allocation meetings each year and record the ticket allocated in preparation for the subsequent reconciliation of ticket sales, Bank cheques for Friends tickets.
6. Prepare with the Assistant Treasurer the Societies annual report and accounts Submit draft annual reports and accounts to the Chairman. Recieve his report and include in the final version for approval by the committee.
7. Attend committee meeting to approve the accounts. Liaise with the independent examiner in providing the accounting records and supporting documentation.
8. When the independent examiner's report is incorporated into the final accounts, prepare the text of the email to members and send annual accounts to the webmaster for publication on the website.
9. Attend annual general meeting presenting the annual report to members.
10. File annual return with the charity commissioners.
11. Liaise with the Assistant Treasurer in the preparation of the annual Gift Aid return to HMRC.
The Friends' Secretary manages and coordinate communications for the Friends of Wells Cathedral Oratorio
Society (WCOS) Key Skills
Good organisation and administrative skills
Basic computer skills including the use of Excel spreadsheets Key contact
The person reports directly to the chairman of WCOS. Duties and Responsibilities
• Undertake duties in accordance with the Constitution of WCOS and act in the best interests of the charity.
• Maintain an up to date database of Friends contact details and contact preferences in accordance with General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).
• Ensure an up to date copy of the Friends database is stored on the WCOS website (for access by the committee members only).
• Maintenance of accurate records of ticket requests by Friends per concert to assist analysis of ticket sales and handling any concerns regarding ticket and seat allocation.
• Ensure any proposed changes to benefits are approved by WCOS committee prior to implementation.
• Ensure priority bookings are arranged and communicated to Friends according to time frames approved by the committee.
• Liaise with the relevant committee members to prepare a seating plan for each concert, including allocation of complimentary tickets. Ensure provision for wheelchair access is included when preparing seating plan.
• Liaise with the WCOS Secretary for preparation, ordering and checking accuracy of received tickets.
• Allocate and reserve Friends tickets on a first come first served basis
• Ensure all payments received (tickets and subscriptions) are recorded and passed to the treasurer. Distribute allocated tickets.
• Ensure clear and timely communication with the Chief Steward and Vergers regarding seating arrangements per concert
• Liaise WCOS Treasurer for approval of any changes to printed information regarding payment arrangements for Friends subscriptions prior to publishing.
• Provide a summary to WCOS Treasurer of costs incurred in the administration of Friends for budgeting purposes.
• Provide a current list of Friends for acknowledgement in concert programmes.
• Provide a report on matters relating to Friends of WCOS to the committee on a quarterly basis including any complaints raised.
• Provide Friends Secretary Annual Newsletter for distribution to Friends of WCOS